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Public Relations Day

Capt. Eric

The Nordhavn community at large is very welcoming and warm one. Put simply, it is divided in 2 main categories: Dreamers and Owners.

Di and I were dreamers for a very long time, and received plenty of help from owners over the years. We are still in regular contact with many owners and some have become dear friends... Even if we haven't met yet! It will happen once this Covid silliness is over and we will meet in a distant anchorage one day.

As owners now we're always happy to discuss with dreamers, to share what we learned during our process and to listen to their individual stories. If there's anyway we can help, we'll do what we can. In normal -non Covid- times, Enfin is always wide open to dreamers who want an insight on life on a Nordhavn, especially a small one. Di and I believe that the minor sacrifices in having a smaller boat are well compensated by the pleasure of retiring sooner, so we're of the "do it now" persuasion. Other owners are of the "wait until you can do it your way" approach, so we encourage dreamers to speak to all.

Nowadays of course we have to be a lot more careful, so most interactions are via the Nordhavn Dreamers website and private emails. Still, a number of dreamers are Portland or PNW locals so we're always keen to meet them, even if we must insist on social distance.

Today was a rather special day: We had 2 visits from dreamers so Di and I jokingly dubbed the day "PR Day".

First visit was Harry, a delightful gentleman who kindly brought take away lunch on the boat. In the heat of the moment, and enjoying his company, we simply forgot to take any photos. We had setup the cockpit as the visitor's designated space while we sat inside in the salon, leaving all doors and windows open to keep a fresh breeze flowing, increasing everyone's safety.

Lunch was very pleasant and the discussion lingered long into the afternoon. Making the jump into ownership often involves some compromises and it's always fascinating to see each person's individual approach.

No sooner had Harry left and we were walking Princess for a well deserved change of pace that we received a text from dreamers Jeff and Ken, whom we'd met in Sidney last year. They were getting close and would be on the boat soon.

To top things of, we saw our friend Sean from a distance - our savior and boat minder during the winter- going down river in his Kadey Krogen. Beautiful little boat: We'll get to anchor with them next week.

Jeff and Ken arrived at aperitif time, and had kindly bought a delicious bottle of California sparkling wine that we had to sample right there and then! This time I remembered to take photos:

The social distanced way to toast with dreamers Jeff and Ken. To long health and achieving your dreams

We had just bought the little teak cockpit table and I had just finished oiling it, so our PR Day dreamers were the first to make use of our upgraded aperitif zone.

As earlier in the day, the discussion was vibrant and interesting. They are getting close to finding the right boat for them, maybe taking a longer road to a Nordhavn, but Di and I will be so pleased when they get to their dream.

Di and I enjoyed our "PR Day" tremendously. Princess was excited to meet new people. After months of social isolation forced upon us by circumstances it was good to catch up with friends, even from a Covid safe distance.

See you in a distant anchorage soon guys!


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