Maintenance of Enfin is a never ending story. Luckily I love taking care of my boat, and so does Di. We're both so happy to have her that we pour time and effort into pride of ownership and do our best to maintain, update and upgrade her.
We're all caught up on the regular maintenance list (the computerized version) and can now turn our attention to a task that is at least as important: The details.
Or more accurately detailing the boat.

We have hired a crew for the top works, deck, hull, stainless steel and more: They will detail every nook and cranny of Enfin, and will wax and polish her to a bright beautiful shine. It's not just a cosmetic job though: The wax protects our high quality gel-coat and it's not rare to see an older Nordhavn look brand new from such good treatment and ownership.
To protect ourselves from Covid risks, Di and I will detail the insides while the crew is working on top.
I'm down in the engine room, something I've been wanting to do for a long time, and will detail all 3 engines, the bilges and all equipment.
I started with the main engine shaft seal and associated bilge. A quick photo of before and after will show what's happening better than any sentence:
The whole engine room is going to get the same treatment. It's a slow process but the results are way worth it, especially considering the safety element that comes from a clean spotless engine room: You can easily spot anything wrong, any leak, any problem and correct it before it devolves into a much larger problem.

We're going to be boat show ready if we keep at it!