With beautiful Tracy and Endicott Arms behind us we're continuing our trek North. We're still unsure where we're going overall, but North seems like the logical direction, considering there are some more glaciers to see up there.
The first logical stop is Taku, with the advantage of a free public dock, meaning easy access to walk Princess ashore after days of limited shore walks for the little girl.

We decided to stay there a couple of nights, well sheltered on the inside of the dock. We were joined by a number of other cruisers, sail or power boats, and it was good to exchange plans, ideas and tips about where to go and what to do.

Even the large yachts use Taku: This one arrived just as a sea plane landed and launched their large tender to go greet their visitor.
A really large yacht would have a helicopter or two though.
After reading our onboard guides we decided we'd skip Juneau. We have no needs for a lot of provisions, just a quick refresher of the basics will help: eggs, bred, milk type of thing.
So we're heading to Auke, in the periphery of Juneau where we hope we'll be able to get some internet and catch up with our families, friends and the overall state of the world.
We assume Russia hasn't invaded Alaska yet, as we suspect we'd have heard about it by now, but apart from that it's time to reconnect a little bit.

On the way out we were once again greeted by a whale.